Join the My PR Partner business and non-profit community
Receive affordable training, resources and PR support that enables you to:
“Together with a team of experts in their respective fields from Australia and across the world, we are excited to give you access to the keys and strategies that will help you achieve results, without paying agency fees.
“Our training and resources will assist you and your team, and we will be personally answering your questions. Two of our affordable monthly subscription options also include personal support when you need it so you have peace of mind.
“We hope to welcome you to our community of business leaders.”
The My PR Partner team
My PR Partner is backed by a corporate PR company with proven experience assisting businesses and non-profits
Choose one or BOTH of the following focus areas of support, resources and training
Growth, profile & social media
“Publicity is absolutely critical. A good PR story is infinitely more effective than a front-page ad.”
Richard Branson
Reputation & crisis communications
“It takes 20 years to build a reputation and five minutes to ruin it. If you think about that, you’ll do things differently.”
Warren Buffet