Public relations made affordable
Business – Industry associations – Schools
An innovative program offering PR support, training and resources
that will enable you to build a strong public profile and protect your reputation.
Public relations made affordable
Business – Industry associations – Schools
An innovative program offering PR support,
training and resources that will enable you
to build a strong public profile and protect your reputation.
An innovative program offering PR support, training and resources that will enable you to build a strong public profile and protect your reputation.
Public relations made affordable
Business – Industry associations – Schools
An innovative program offering PR support,
training and resources that will enable you
to build a strong public profile and protect your reputation.
My PR Partner is backed by one of Australia’s most respected corporate public relations companies.
“For more than 15 years our company, CRC Public Relations, has assisted Australian and global businesses, non-profit organisations, industry associations, governments, and schools.
“We helped them build their profile, increase their impact, deal with negative issues that can affect reputation, and prepare for – and navigate through – major crises.
“We’ve now created a way for EVERY business and organisation to achieve these same results – but without the costs of engaging a PR agency.
“For a small monthly investment, My PR Partner offers you high-quality training, resources, and support across all areas of PR and reputation management, presented by national and international experts.
“It’s a new approach, simple and very affordable. We can’t wait to become your PR Partner.”
Lyall Mercer & Barbara Gorogh
Co-founders of My PR Partner
Choose your category
What is public relations and
why is it vital to success?
My PR Partner exists to promote the positive values of trust, integrity and success
Publicity, PR, social media, crisis communications, digital marketing, leadership and branding
Plus areas that can lead to a reputational crisis: HR, governance, law, cybersecurity, crisis management, and more
You’ll be trained and mentored by experts
Learn how to create growth and trust in your business or organisation
Publicity, PR, social media, crisis communications, digital marketing,
leadership and branding
Plus areas that can lead to a reputational crisis: HR, governance, law, cybersecurity, crisis management, and more
Two focus areas of support,
resources and training
Growth, profile & social media
“Publicity is absolutely critical. A good PR story is infinitely more effective than a front-page ad.”
Richard Branson
Reputation & crisis communications
“It takes 20 years to build a reputation and five minutes to ruin it. If you think about that, you’ll do things differently.”
Warren Buffet