Learn from those who are highly successful in the following four public relations areas

Training and Resources

Your My PR Partner subscription includes


Weekly Spotlight

Each week you’ll receive a short but valuable email providing ongoing tips and advice to help you build your profile, grow your organisation, protect your reputation and prepare for the unexpected. These will focus on current issues and cover a different theme each week.


This 5-minute weekly read will help you and your team to immediately implement these practical tips – to build your profile, communicate more effectively and protect your reputation.


Monthly video and audio resources

Access powerful and practical video and audio training resources through your online subscriber portal. Every month you’ll receive two downloadable resources for the “growth, profile & social media focus” and/or two for the “reputation & crisis communications focus”. These are a combination of presentations, interviews and discussions.

The “growth” focus area features training and interviews by experts in publicity, public relations, social media, crisis communications, digital marketing, SEO and IT, leadership and branding.

The “reputation” focus area features training and interviews by experts in public relations, reputation and issues management and crisis communications, as well as specialists in areas of vulnerability – including HR, governance, law, cybersecurity, crisis management, and more. These are all areas that can lead to a reputational crisis.

Every video and audio resource is an ‘easy viewing and listening’ 20 to 30 minutes duration and will help you understand effective PR and communication, and achieve your goals and objectives.

Some video and audio resources are accompanied by downloadable written resources.

Growth focus – Building your business profile, image and reputation – View Sample

Growth focus – Using social media to achieve your business goals – View Sample

Reputation focus – Protecting your reputation and managing issues in a digital, social media and activist age – View Sample

Reputation focus – Crisis communications – planning for, avoiding and dealing with a crisis that can damage your reputation – View Sample


Mentoring video training

Four times per year, My PR Partner sits down for a video chat with highly regarded and successful professionals – usually from well-known organisations. These are experts within PR and management in fields as diverse as business, charities, politics and sport. They reveal exclusively for you, their strategies, thoughts, failures, successes, advice, and challenges.


You’ll learn from the best, from those who have proven their credentials. Not only will you learn strategies that will help your company or organisation, but you’ll learn what not to do.


Monthly Q&A support

This is where the personalised power starts. Every month you’re able to submit personalised questions that apply specifically to your situation. Our panel of experts – and we go wide for questions that are a little unique – endeavour to answer each one. There is a specific window of time for this each month and you’ll be notified by email.


Being able to ask a question that applies to your unique situation and need will enable you to receive a response that directly benefits you and your team. Nothing beats this individual opportunity.


Maintain enterprise-grade security with scheduling automation

Stay aligned with your security requirements and reduce risk across the org.

Implement and govern at ease

Eliminate the manual processes of implementing, managing user access and permissions on the platform.